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browser Browser buffer buffering buffers Buffers bug built builtin bulletin burst bus Bus business busy but But buy buying by By byhand byte byteflow bytes Bytes bytesec bytessec c C cable CableModem cables Cabling call Call callback called callers calling calls came can Can cant Cant capabilities capability capacity capitalized captured capturing card cards Cards carefully carrier CARRIER carrierwatch case cases cat catalog catch cause caused causes Ccode cd CD ceases certain change changed changes changing character characters characterset chat chatting cheap check Check checking checks chip chips choice choose chose chunk chunks Chunks circuit circuits circumstances Cirrus Cisco City CKermit CKermitc CKermitdial CKermitquit CKermitset claim clarity clear click clientserver clock clones closely clue CMOS Co code Code codes coins collection Columbia Com COM combination Combination combine come comes coming comm command commands Commands commentedout comments commercial common Common communicate communicates communication Communication communications Communications companies company companys comparative compare compared comparing comparison compatibility compatible compdcommodems compile complaint complete Complete completedBEEP completely complex Complex compliance compliant complicated composlinuxanswers composlinuxhardware composlinuxsetup compress compressed compression Compression computer Computer computers computertomodem computing Computone concern concerning concerns conclude conditions conductor config configh configuration Configuration configurations configure Configure configured configures configuring Configuring confirmed conflict conflicting conflicts Conflicts confuse confused confusing confusion connect CONNECT connected connecting Connecting connection Connection connections connector connectors connects CONNECTsA consider consists console consoles consume contact contacts contain contains Contains contents Contents context continued continues 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Doing done Done dont Dont DOPT dos DOS DosWindows double down download downloaded downloading draw drawing DRB driver drivers Drivers drop dropped drops DRUN ds DSCH DSL DSP DSPs DSR DTE DTR due Due dumb Dumb Dummies dumpregs during DUTMP e E each Each early Early easier easily easy EasyIO EC echo echoed echos ecu edit Edit editing editions efax effect efficient effort either electrical electricity electronics else email emailed Emile empty emulate emulates emulating enable enabled enableflowcontrol enabling encode encoded encodes encoding encodings end END engine English enough Enough Enter enterreturn enters entirely entries entry environment equal Equipment equivalent erroneous erroneously error Error errors escape ESP especially establish etc etcconfuugetty etcconfuugettyttyS etcconfuugettyttySN etcdefaultuugettyttyS etcdefaultuugettyttySN etcgettydefs etcinittab etcisapnpconf etcmodulesconf etcrcbootsetserial etcrcdrclocal etcrcdrcserial etcutmp ethernet evaluated even Even events 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frequency Frequency from From FS FSSTND ftp FTP full fully function functional functionality functions further future Future g gaps geared gender generate generated German get gets Getting getty Getty gettydefs gettym gettyps gettys gettytab Gilbert give Give given gives giving go Go goes going Goldberg good got gotten GPL grammar greater Greg Gregs ground guarantee guaranteed guess H hack had halfperiod halt halted halts handicap handle handled handles hang hangs Hangs Hankins happen happened happening happens happy hard harddisk harder hardware Hardware hardwired has hassle have Have havent having Hayes HCF hdparm he headers height held Held help Help HELP helpful helps here Here Heres Hertz HHMMSS high High higher highest him his hit hold home homes Hook hooked hopefully Hosed host Host hour house how How However howto Howto HOWTO HowTos HOWTOs HS HSP huge human hundred hung HUPCL hylafax Hz I IBM IBMs icon ICU id ID idea identical identification identify identifying Identifying 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outgoing output outside outsiders over overall overflow overflowing overhead overly overrun overrunning overruns oversimplified Oversimplified Overview overwritten own owners package packaging packet packets page Page pages pair Panel paper paragraphs parallel parameter parameters parity part Partial partially participate particular partly parts pass passed passes passing patch Patch Patching path Path pause pay PC PCI PCIbus PCM PCMCIA PCMCIAHOWTO pcomm PCs peak Pentium Pentiums people People per percent percentage performance Performance perhaps periods peripherals permis permission permits permitted phase Phase phaseamplitude phone physical Physically pick pictures piece pieces pin pins Pins pintopin Pioneering pioneers place places planned planning Plans play Play please Please plug Plug plugand plugandplay plugged plugs PnP pnpdump point points polled polling pollinglike popular Popular port Port portable ported portion ports Ports positive possibilities possibility possible possibly postings potential power powered powerful poweron powerup PPP PPPHOWTO PPPlike practical Practically precautions precise precisely prefaced present presented presently press prevent previous previously primitive principal principles print printer prior Prior priority pristine probably probe probing Probing problem problems Problems procbuspcidevices process processes processing processor Processor Processors procinterrupts procioports procommlike procpci produce Products profile profiles program programmed programmer programming programs Programs project prompt promptly propagates properly proposed protocol protocols provide provided provides provisions psgetty public pulse Pulse purchase pure purely purpose purposes push put Put puts putting q Q QAM quadrature quality question queue quick Quick quickly quite radius rapidly rate rates Rathbone rather ratio ratios rclocal rcserial rd RD reaches reacting read Read reading READMEs readport reads ready Ready real Real realize really reason rebuilds recall recalling Recalling recalls receive Receive received Receiver receives receiving Receiving recent recognize recommend reconfiguration reconfigure recovered rectangular reduced refer Reference references References refers reflect refrain refund regarding register registers regular reinitialized related relatively releases relieving remain remaining remains remember remote remove repeats replacement replaces replacing replica reply report reported reports represent representation represented representing represents reprogramming request ReQuest requested requests require required requirements Requirements requires rescue resending reset resets reside resides resource resources respawn respawning respect respectively respond responds response responsible rest restart Restart restarted restore result resulted resulting results resumes retail retain retries return reverses reverts revised revision RI ridiculous right Ring ringback ringing RISC Robotics Rockwell 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