# wypisuje PID-y procesów z PPID=1234 ps -o pid,ppid | awk '$2==1234 {print $1}' # wypisuje PID-y procesów uruchomionych komendą 'qqq' ps -o pid,cmd | awk '$2~/^qqq$/ {print $1}'
--> tablice w "awk" :
Tablice "awk" są "asocjacyjne" tj indeksy nie muszą być liczbami całkowitymi
lecz mogą być dowolnymi napisami.
Elementy tablic są tworzone podczas pierwszej próby dostępu do takiego
Elementy tablic mogą być puste.
Przeglądanie tablic (bez niezamierzonego tworzenia elementów):
for(i in tablica) { print i, tablica[i] }Usuwanie niepotrzebnego elementu tablicy:
delete tablica[123]Przykład:
awk 'BEGIN { for(i=1; i<15; i++) tablica[i]="!!!" i "???"; for(elem in tablica) print elem, tablica[elem]; print "1-----------------1"; for(elem in tablica) { if (tablica[elem]~/!!![0-9]\?\?\?/) { print elem, tablica[elem]; delete tablica[elem]; } } print "2-----------------2"; for(elem in tablica) print elem, tablica[elem]; }'--> uruchamianie "awk":
# wykonywany jest skrypt "awk" w pliku "skrypt.awk" # istnieją zmienne o nazwach "zm1" i "zm2" oraz mają nadane wartości awk -f skrypt.awk zm1=warosc1 zm2=wartosc2 # zamiast "stdin" jest czytany plik "plik.txt" awk -f skrypt.awk plik.txt--> opis wyrażeń regularnych
--> dodatkowa garść szczegółów na temat "awk":
Przykłady "wzorców": Example Meaning ---------------------------------------------------- /stop/ line contains the string "stop" $1 == 3 first field is the number 3 /x/ && NF > 2 more that two fields and contain "x" NR==10,NR==20 records ten through twenty inclusive function x(y) define a function called x Instrukcje jakich można używać w "czynnościach": { STATEMENT_LIST } EXPRESSION print EXPRESSION-LIST printf FORMAT, EXPRESSION_LIST if ( EXPRESSION ) STATEMENT [ else STATEMENT ] for ( VARIABLE in ARRAY ) STATEMENT for ( EXPRESSION; EXPRESSION; EXPRESSION) STATEMENT while ( EXPRESSION ) STATEMENT do STATEMENT while ( EXPRESSION ) break continue next delete ARRAY[SUBSCRIPT] exit [ EXPRESSION ] return [EXPRESSION ] Operatory jakich można używać w wyrażeniach: Operation Operator Example Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------ assignment = *= /= %= x += 2 two is added to x += -= ^= conditional ?: x?y:z if x then y else z logical OR || x||y if (x) 1 else if (y) 1 else 0 logical AND && x&&y if (x) if (y) 1 else 0 else 0 array membership in x in y if (exists(y[x])) 1 else 0 matching ~ !~ $1~/x/ if ($1 contains x) 1 else 0 relational == != > x==y if (x equals y) 1 else 0 <= >= < concatenation "x" "y" a new string "xy" add, subtract + - x+y sum of x and y mul, div, mod * / % x*y product of x and y unary plus minus + - -x negative of x logical not ! !x if (x is 0 or null) 1 else 0 exponentiation ^ x^y x to the yth power inc, dec ++ -- x++ x then add 1 to x field $ $3 the 3rd field grouping () ($1)++ increment the 1st field Predefiniowane zmienne: Variable Meaning ---------------------------------------------------- ARGC number of command line arguments ARGV array of command line arguments FILENAME name of current input file FNR record number in current file FS controls the input field separator NF number of fields in current record NR number of records read so far OFMT output format for records OFS output field separator ORS output record separator RLENGTH length of string matched by match function RS controls input record separator RSTART start of string match by match function SUBSEP subscript separator Predefiniowane funkcje i procedury: Function Value returned ---------------------------------------------------------------------- atan2(y, x) arctangent of y/x in the range -pi to pi cos(x) cosine of x x in radians exp(x) exponentiation of x (e ^ x) gsub(r, s) number of substitutions substitute s for all r in $0 gsub(r, s, t) number of substitutions substitute s for all r in t index(s) position of s in $0 0 if not in $0 index(s, t) position of t in s 0 if not in s int(x) integer part of x length(s) number of characters in s log(x) natural log of x match(s, r) position of r in s or 0 sets RSTART and RLENGTH rand() random number 0 <= rand < 1 sin(x) sine of x x in radians split(s, a) number of fields split s into a on FS split(s, a, fs) number of fields split s into a on fs sprintf(f, e, ...) formatted string sqrt(x) square root of x sub(r, s) number of substitutions substitute s for one r in $0 sub(r, s, t) number of substitutions substitute s for one r in t substr(s, p) substring of s from p to end substr(s, p, n) substring of s from p of length n system(s) exit status execute command s print print $0 on standard output print expression, ... prints expressions separated by OFS print(expression, ...) printf format, expression, ... printf(format, expression, ...) print >"file" print $0 on file "file" print >>"file" append $0 to file "file" printf(format, ...) >"file" printf(format, ...) >>"file" close("file") close the file "file" getline read the next record into $0 getline s read the next record into s getline <"file" read a record from file "file" into $0 getline s <"file" read a record from file "file" into s